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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Data-Intensive Computing (AI VII) – Prof. Dr. Wim Martens

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Welcome to the research group on Data-Intensive Computing

It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover.
- Henri Poincaré

Our group investigates fundamental problems in an array of research fields such as data management, internet standards, formal language theory, logic, and computational complexity. We aim at solving problems that are mathematically elegant, fundamental to computer science, and practically relevant.

The group has received two best paper awards and a test-of-time award at the International Conference on Database Theory, a SIGMOD industry best paper award, a VLDB best paper runner up, and four SIGMOD Research Highlight awards. Check out our research page for more information.

Unfortunately, there are too many conferences and journals in computer science. Furthermore, these have wildly varying quality. We aim to publish at venues that are at the top of their respective fields. Since our main focus is on database research, we aim at the top venues in database theory (ICDT, PODS) and database systems (SIGMOD, VLDB, ACM TODS, VLDB Journal). We also like to branch out and try to publish in top venues on other fields, such as the Web (WWW/TheWebConf, ISWC), theoretical computer science (J. ACM, SIAM J. Comput., ICALP, STOC, STACS, J. Comput. Syst. Sc., Theor. Comput. Sci., Logical Methods in Comput. Sci.), logic (LICS), and artificial intelligence (KR). We would still like to have a paper in a top programming language venue (POPL or PLDI); one of the top machine learning conferences (NeurIPS or ICML); or one of the other top general AI conferences (IJCAI or AAAI). So we need some great ideas in these directions.

We teach the Theoretical Computer Science courses at the University of Bayreuth and extend this offer with courses on Logic and Foundations of Data Management. We regularly offer seminars and sometimes even a project. Go to our teaching page if you want to know more.

How to reach us.

Webmaster: Johannes Doleschal

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