Informatik Kolloquium am 10.Oktober: Understanding the Bitcoin Protocol. Seriously.
Am 10. Oktober ist Martin Ugarte (Université libre de Bruxelles) bei uns im Informartik Kolloqium zu Gast.
Wann: 10.10.2018, 13:00-15:00.
Wo: H34 (AI)
In the last six years Bitcoin has gained a good deal of attention, reaching in August 2018 a market capitalization of more than one hundred billion (US) dollars and a larger trading volume than PayPal. Although Bitcoin is mainly considered as a financial asset, its underlying protocol published in 2008 by the still anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto goes far beyond: it achieves consensus in a decentralized, open and trust-less network. In this tutorial we will discuss in detail how this consensus is achieved, from the underlying cryptography to the specifics of the protocol and the so-called Blockchain data structure. We will also discuss the incentives of the different actors in the Bitcoin network, and how these incentives complement the underlying cryptography to enforce the security of the digital currency.