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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Data-Intensive Computing (AI VII) – Prof. Dr. Wim Martens

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Two SIGMOD Research Highlight Awards


That was unexpected! Two of our papers, namely

Optimal Algorithms for Multiway Search on Partial Orders. PODS 2022: 175-187
by Shangqi Lu, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, and Yufei Tao


Threshold Queries in Theory and in the Wild. Proc. VLDB Endow. 15(5): 1105-1118 (2022)
by Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, George Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Matthias Hofer, Wim Martens, Filip Murlak, Joshua Shinavier, Slawek Staworko, and Dominik Tomaszuk

received a SIGMOD Research Highlight Award! Short versions of the papers are featured in the March issue of SIGMOD Record.

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